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MK knife
Harald Klein
Rengsdorferstrasse 21
53577 Neustadt Wied
TEL: +49 160 7565264

According to the small business regulations, VAT is not shown separately on invoices.


Responsible for the content according to Section 55 Paragraph 2 RstV:

Harald Klein
Rengsdorferstrasse 21
53577 Neustadt Wied

Online dispute resolution

In the event of a dispute, consumers can use the EU Commission's online dispute resolution platform at
Use to resolve conflicts.
We do not take part in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Copyright / Creative Commons

Content on our website is protected by copyright. Exploitation of our content
requires our express prior consent. Nevertheless, within the framework of the
Quotation rights can be quoted from our content if there is also a link to the full text
placed on our website and our site and (if stated) the author of the text
is called. Copies of our works can be made for private use,
e.g. by printing or downloading to a local storage medium. A publication in
Internet is expressly not for private use.
If content on our website is free content within the meaning of the Creative Commons, it is
Content is marked accordingly and is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution Policy.
Share Alike 3.0 Germany License.
Links to our website and subpages (so-called deep links) are available at any time and without
prior consent possible.

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